By using dropper provided, add 6 dropsof honey sample into Reagent 1 tube (red cap) and mix vigorouslyfor 5 seconds. Dengan menggunakan penitis yang disediakan, tambahkan 6 titik sampel madu ke dalam tiub Reagen 1 (penutup merah) dan disebatikan selama 5 saat.
Add Reagent 2 (yellow liquid) into the mixture and mix vigorously for 5 seconds. Masukkan Reagen 2 (cecair kuning) ke dalam campuran dan disebatikan selama 5 saat.
Let the tube stand for 2-5 minutes at ambient.Tegakkan tiub selama 2-5 minit pada suhu bilik.
Compare the observation with Reference Figure (next page) for reaction profile references. Bandingkan pemerhatian dengan Rajah Rujukan untuk penentuan hasil tindak balas.
Add absorbent powder in the reactant before discard. Masukkan serbuk penyerap ke dalam bahan tindak balas sebelum dibuang.
Indicator: Sediment formed at the bottom part of the tube.
Interpretation: May contain trace of protein and wax mostly found in raw honey.
Indicator: Clear base without trace of sediment
Interpretation: No trace of protein and wax mostly found in raw honey.
The test should be considered invalid if no phase separation and no sediment observed. Please send an email to report this.